Proposed Community Center

For more information on the proposed Community Center:
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Proposed Community Center:
Wayland’s Proposed Community Center would provide residents of all ages, including the Council on Aging, the opportunity to pursue educational, recreational, social, creative and cultural activities.
The Plan:
Fall 2020 Town Meeting Article 11 will present the Town with the current plan for locating the proposed Community Center.
Long-term cost savings will be realized with material that will work toward a net zero energy efficient building (modern insulation, windows, HVA systems, and solar panels)
The staff of the Council on Aging and all of its programs would move to the new Center leaving its current hallway location in the Wayland Town Building. The increased space will alleviate urgent need for conference space, waiting lists for programs and allow older adults a networking base to socialize.
The Recreation Department would utilize space at the Community Center to offer many new programs for children, youth and adults not currently possible due to space limitations.
Space will now be available to handle clean arts, but kiln, potters wheels, etc. will not be able to be offered as it ties up a lot of space for a specific purpose for a relatively small group.
Veterans would have larger spaces for meeting or socialization. Currently, the Veterans agent is located in the Selectmen’s Office conference room.
Wall display cases would showcase Wayland historic artifacts and classrooms would allow educational programs on Wayland archaeology, conservation, history and more.